E-Health is using digital information and technologies in health communication. The wider meaning refers to every initiative using digital technologies, which on a local, regional or even international scale contribute to the improvement of healthcare or even an individual’s state of health. Nowadays the adaption of new technologies in the everyday life – mainly through the internet and mobile tools – is not a novalty. The toolkit of health communication is constantly developing paralel to the newest possibilities made available by the internet.
While applying new technologies one can never forget the speciality of health communication, with which we have experience for several years now. These specalities include the nature of physician and patient communication, the high standards and importance of accuracy, different legal regulations.
Other than defining the best strategies effective communication also needs the sufficient use of digital tools. H2Online Ltd. developes and creates communication campaigns for (mainly) health services and products with harmonizing its goals and the opportunities given by digital technologies, as well as using the unique (online and medical) professional knowledge of its staff.